Advanced SSIS Catalog presentation from TechEd North America 2013

Matthew Roche (blog | twitter) and I teamed up once again to present an advanced SSIS Catalog session at TechEd North America 2013 – Deep Inside the Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Server. The video and slide deck are now available on the Channel9 site. The slide deck actually contains 10 additional slides that we didn’t have time to cover during the regular session (with some further details about the security model).

I want to extend a big thank you to everyone who attended, and to all the great feedback we got. It can be tough doing a 400 level SQL session at TechEd, and while I could see some people’s heads spinning, it sounded like most people were able to learn something new.

The TechEd team picked an excellent preview picture for the session (below). It comes from Matthew’s intro – you’ll have to watch the video to see how he worked a picture of kittens into a 400 level SSIS session.


If you didn’t already know, Channel 9 has many TechEd presentations available online. You can see recordings of my previous events on my speaker page, and Matthew’s as well.